The Influence of Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, and Product Availability on Purchase Intention with Brand Image as a Mediating Variable (A study on Kopi Lumpang in Kemawi Village, Somagede Sub- District)


  • Aura Altsareza Destansya
  • Refius Pradipta Setyanto
  • Tiladela Luhita


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, and Product Availability on Purchase Intention with Brand Image as a Mediating Variable. This research employed a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all people in Kemawi Village, Somagede District, with the non probability sampling method used for data collection. A total of 210 people’s participated as respondents, with data gathered through questionnaires distributed via Google Forms and Survey. The questionnaire utilized a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. Data analysis was conducted using SEM PLS for Windows. The results of the study revealed that Perceived price positively affect brang image, Perceived quality negatively affect brand image, Brand awareness positively affect brand image, Perceived price negatively affect purchase intention, Perceived quality negatively affect purchase intention, Brand awareness negatively affect purchase intention, Product availability negatively affect purchase intention, Brand image positively affect purchase intention, Perceived price negatively affect purchase intention through brand image, Perceived quality negatively affect purchase intention through brand image, Brand awareness positively affect purchase intention through brand image.

Keywords: Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, Product Availability, Brand Image, Purchase Intention


