
  • Hendy Anangga Diffia Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
  • Arief Lukman Santoso Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta


The aim of this research is to analyze the Goverment Banks financial performance that are Bank BNI, Bank BRI, Bank Mandiri and Bank BTN during 2012-2014.The analysis of these banks’ financial performance were done by measuring the ratio of the bank financial consisting of the ratio of liquidity, rentability and efficiency. The performance indicator that was used in measuring financial performance was the regulation of Bank Indonesia number 13/24/PBI/ 2011. The result of the research shows that the financial performance of Goverment Banks during 2012-2014 are good enough with the ratio of finance which are at the provision of Bank Indonesia, except the ratio LDR of bank BTN that is too high. But if we compare the banks that are classified as Goverment Banks, Bank BRI is the most excellent bank and bank BTN is the worst bank. The eminence of Bank BRI is caused by the value of assets that are higher among the others and the main business of Bank BRI is micro credit whereas Bank BTN is not excellent, because the value of assets of Bank BTN is the lowest one and its main business is just focused on housing loan. Based on the result of research, the researchers provide several recommendations that are Goverments Bank must have the appropriate strategy to minimize the burden of the operational that is arising due to the changes of the reference of interest rate by Bank Indonesia and Bank BTN must improve and strengthen its strategy in the distribution of credit including its NPL risk to make the liquidity of the bank stay awake. Keywords: Goverment Banks, financial performance, the analysis of the financial ratio
