Organizational citizenship behavior becomes a popular topic in the field of the management of human resources because it can increase effectiveness and give a positive influence for organization. Literatures examine about organizational citizenship behavior have already been well established in the fields of management sciences, but in this study authors add variable organizational silence as one of the factors that can influence organizational citizenship behavior. Moreover the literature about organizational silence is very limited .Organizational silence itself is negative behavior marked with a number of individuals who choose not to speak or act about the issue regarding organization, whereas they were conscious and aware of issues and problems in the organization and kept silence to their superior organization. The aims of this research were to analyze the influences of organizational justices, organizational silence, and job satisfaction to organizational citizenship behavior. The population in this research is all teachers in SMAN Tasikmalaya City. Sample was determined using proportional random sampling which means that each member taken in the population had same opportunity to selected as the sample. The samples used in this research are 286 respondents by using questionnaire as a method of this research. The analysis tool in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and The results show that the organizational justice consists of distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice had negative effect towards organizational silence, job satisfaction and distributive justice had positive influence on organizational citizenship behavior, from the assessment of the intervening variable organizational silence showed that the organizational silence could not mediate relationship between organizational justice consisting of distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice with organizational citizenship behavior. Suggestion for future researcher is extend this research by using organizational silence variable and applying it in non-educational organizations such as banking, charity, profit oriented, and religion based. Keywords: distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice, organizational silence, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior.Downloads