According UU no.40 Th 2007 companies are required to implement CSR in the company's business activities. This makes the CSR as an obligation of companies to be implemented. Kotler and Lee ( 2005) express that benefit of CSR for most company are increased sales and market share, strengthen brand positioning, enhance a corporate reputation, reduce operational costs, and enhance the attractiveness of the company for investors and financial analysts. This research is a case study on Alfamart uses survey method and the population are Purwokerto society with used purposive sampling method, the amount sample in this study is 78. Data Analysis Technique using Validity and Reliability Test, Classic Assumptions Test, Normality test, Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity, Regressions Analysis, Mediation Test. To analize the effect of CSR toward trust and it’s implication on corporate reputation, mediation regresion analysis, is used with Trust as a mediating variable between CSR to Corporate reputation. The Influence of CSR to Corporate Reputation have positive effect on corporate reputation and also the Influence CSR to Trust, Influence CSR and Trust to Corporate Reputation. The impact of CSR activity can increase corporate reputation. So, Alfamart could be continually it’s activity. CSR activity have positive effect on trust, Alfamart can increase trust with publication or communication to the society an angage socialization pople on the CSR activity. Keywords : Corporate social Responsibility, Trust, corporate ReputationDownloads