Kajian Strategi Pengembangan UMKM Melalui Media Sosial ( Ruang Lingkup Kampung Batik Laweyan )
The of smes batik Laweyan in the middle of the currents of globalization and the competition make of smes have to be able to face global challenges such as increasing innovation products and services, human resources development and technologyas well as the expansion of the area of marekting Namely the economic sector will play an important role for the Indonesia in order to achive the full potential with so many micro small and medium enterprises involved in the digital economy through business electronic, social media, technology the clouds and the mobile phone. From the results of the discussion can be drawn a conclusion, that businessman of smes batik Laweyan that using social media as the development of the business is a must, in order not to be left behind with the competitors in the era of digital economy by using the digital economy is expected to develop of smes, which is owned by employers batik Laweyan without leaving the local knowledge of the village batik Laweyan Keyword : SMES batik Laweyan, Development strategic, Social Media.Downloads