
  • Luciana Spica Almilia STIE Perbanas Surabaya
  • Nuruh Hasanah Uswati Dewi STIE Perbanas Surabaya


The development of educational technology is so rapid, especially with regard to new findings in the latest learning strategies, instructional media(multimedia), and methods of learning more effective, and so on. This provides a challenge for teachers to determine attitude, whether immediately receive and up date strategies for the development of information technology-based learning or retaining the old patterns are considered better. This article discusses: (1) measures that can be done by the University to be able to increase the utilization of information technology in the learning process and, (2) improving writing skills for high school/vocational school teachers in East Java. The problem that would agree to be a priority program are:(1) Lack of knowledge and skills of teachers in high school/vocational school at East Java related development and application of information technology to the learning process;(2) the lack of optimum utilization of interactive learning media-based information technology in improving the quality of teaching at the high school and vocational education in East Java; (3) Low writing skills of teacher in high school and vocational school in East Java. The approach offered are: (1) The initial phase is the high school/vocational school teacher will be given training related topics mindset change teaching assignments, teaching strategies in the classroom, multimedia technology competence and training to write in academic journal; (2) The second stage is a demonstration method. The demonstration method is demonstrated how the use of information technology in teaching methods and technical writing papers in academic journal; (3) The third stage is the supervision method, namely the extent to which the trainee is able to apply what is obtained in the training method and demonstration methods to improve skills in teaching and writing; (4) The fourth stage is a self-training method. The self-training method is that the trainees are expected to apply the results of training and use information technology in learning process. Keywords: information technology, internet, multimedia, learning method, interactive learning.
