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Dijan Rahajuni


In order torealize the ideals ofthe Indonesian economy, whichisto advancethe publicwelfare, a series ofeconomic development programshave been implementedby the government, bothinthe Old Order, New OrderandReform Order. Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perdesaan is one of the poverty alleviation program launched by the government in 2007. PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan is to achieve the welfare and independency of the rural poor. In the economic sector, vision achievement is done by establishing self-help groups or KSM (Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat) to undertake economically productive activity with stimulus of a revolving loan fund. KSMs which are growing in PNPM MPd are savings groups of women, a group of women who perform economically productive activities and earn a revolving loan fund.
Overall PNPM MPD has been able to alleviate the poor from the poverty line, but not on welfare yet, so they need a series of activities to be able achieve the welfare. This is because KSM SPP is widely used by beneficiaries just to get a loan, even beneficiaries will strive to always adhere to the rules of donors (UPK) in order to get the loan in the next period. These conditions lead to dependency and burden for the beneficiaries, because the loans are generally used for consumptive purposes.
On the other hand KSM‟s position is merely as mediator between the beneficiary with PNPM manager at the district level (UPK). Therefore, the fund growth is large enough at the UPK level, because the fund at UPK is also from the accumulation of savings and credit services in addition to the government fund. Despite the fact there are also PNPM MPd institution at village level, TPK and KED or KPMD, this institution only works to propose the loan application approval that will be made by KSM.
Keywords : PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan, PNPM Vision, Self-help Groups, UPK, TPK, KED, KPMD

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