Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kompetensi Komputer Akuntansi MYOB
ABSTRACT This research titled “The factors that influence the competency of MYOB accounting computer”. The aim of this study is identified the factors that influence the competency of MYOB accounting computer. The research object are trainees which involve in MYOB accounting computer training program in the Faculty of Economics and Business of General Soedirman University. This research was important because the MYOB accounting computer training was expected could improved the students competency in the field of accounting. This study used survey method. There were 31 respondents of trainees. Factor analysis was used to determine the factors that affect the competency in MYOB accounting computer. The results showed two factors that influenced competency of MYOB accounting computer were: 1. Internal factors (computer attitude, motivation); 2. External factors (laboratory facilities and trainer role). Keywords: factors, competency, MYOB accounting computer.Published