Congestion is one big problem in Bandung city, and it is expected to be reduced by LRT Bandung Raya construction. LRT Bandung Raya, which is planned to be built in 2019 and completed in 2021, will be operated by PT Len Industri, a technology company which has experience in transportation signalling but is a new player in LRT business. The investment needed to accomplish this project is huge, and it has consequence on the price of the ticket. PT Len Industri needs to find other alternatives of revenue streams from LRT Bandung Raya to lowering the price of the ticket to make it accepted by customers and to make the business sustainable in the future. Alternatives of revenue streams can be created by building synergies between all resources of PT Len Industri by considering the trend of changes in the business environment, including the technological development and the spill-over effect from the construction of the LRT, and by considering also the customer profiles. This research aims to design the business model of PT Len Industri’s LRT business using the business model canvas framework. This research starts with mapping the internal condition of PT Len Industri, continued with customer profiling, which followed by business environmental analysis. The next steps are SWOT analysis, value proposition design, and design of full business model canvas. The result of this research is the business model for LRT which highlights the new alternatives of revenue streams and their consequences on other blocks and cost structure
Keywords: Business Model, Business Model Canvas, LRT, PT Len IndustrY, Revenue Streams
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