Dwi Asih Widiyanti, Rahab Rahab, Wahyu Siswandari


Completeness of medical record and returns 1x24 hours after being treated by the hospital. However, these two things are very difficult to obey, the provision of medical records for the patient's medical records for the patient's health care services. . For this reason, it is important to research on the causes of these two things. The study was conducted in Cilacap Hospital. This research is based on the research methods of observation, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions to care professionals (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, psychologists, nutritionists, medical recorders) who have the authority to write medical records. The results  interviews were carried out on 5 doctors, 3 nurses, 1 midwife, 1 administrator, 1 cashier. The study found the doctor's mindset, stable and solid coordination between medical staff and the application of a room doctor system to ensure compliance with compliance and a quick return of medical records. The results showed that the keywords of the completeness and return of rapid medical records were the doctor's no homework mindset, stable and solid coordination between medical staff and the application of the doctor's inpatient room system.


Keyword : Compliance, completenes , return speed of inpatient medical records.

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