Galih Adi Wibowo, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Ary Yunanto


The implementation of HPWS is believed to be able to improve organizational performance and employee well being, but in the course of the organization due to external and internal factors changes will occur such as rotation, transfer and promotion of its members. As a result, the working climate will also change. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of the high performance working system and social working climate to the employee well being. This research uses a survey method with two independent variables : high performance working system and social working climate, and employee well being as dependent variable. Research is carried out in a manufacturing company. This research was conducted to examined the relationship between HPWS and and social working climate to employee well being.  The results of this research can be used for managers as consideration  in developing a work environment that supports the achievement of organizational performance.


Keyword: HPWS, Social Work Climate, Employee Well-being

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