Hartono Tri Putranto, Achmad Sudjadi, Adi Indrayanto


The purpose of this study is to examine the findings of previous research on perceived organizational support that is associated with organizational commitment and psychological well being on contractual employees. Respondents were taken using the purposive sampling method. This research inspired by organizational support to their contractual employee to fight job stressors. Previous research on perceived organizational support (POS) has found a moderating role of organizational commitment (OC) in the relationship with psychological well being (PWB). Research Examined the role of perceived organizational support and component of organizational commitment (affective, normative and continous) to the psychological well being using structural equation model and partial least square method. This study uses the organizational commitment as a moderating variable (Z) and makes the perceived organizational support as the independent variable (X). While psychological well being as the dependent variable (Y). This research found that perceived organizational support have significant effect to affective commitment and normative commitment but not significant to continous commitment. This study found a rejection of the hypothesis about the positive relationhip between organizational commitment (affective commitment, normative commitment and continous commitment) and psychological well being, as well as direct relationship between perceived organizational support and psychological well being.


Keywords: POS, organizational commitment, psychological well being, contractual worker

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