Turnover intention on nurses refers to psychological, emotional and behavioral tendencies in which nurses intend to leave their current organization or profession. Work stress is a predictor of nurse turnover intention and emotional intelligence as a moderating factor for turnover on work. The situation at Allam Medica Hospital, the turnover rate of nurses at Allam Medica hospital is quite high, from this problem, it can be hypothesized that stress on nurse work is related to intention to change jobs (turnover intention) and nurses with good emotional intelligence have more retention both in the intention to change jobs, as well as the role of emotional intelligence as a moderating factor of the stress of work stress.
Data were collected from all the nurses at Allam Medica Hospital using questionnaires containing questions about work stress variables and questionnaires to assess emotional intelligence with a relationship with the intention to change jobs. .
From the results of the analysis, it was found that the work stress variable influenced the turnover of intention to leave their jobs from Allam Medica Hospital, while emotional intelligence did not moderate work stress variables on turnover of the intention of nurse in the Allam Medica Hospital
Keywords: turnover intention, work stress, emotional intelligence, nurses
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