Prihartini Budi Astuti, Abdul Aziz Ahmad, Suharno Suharno, Poppy Arsil


The Indonesian government emphasized the rural development that aims to improve the opportunities and well-being of rural people through a process of change in the characteristics of rural societies. The phenomenon of income inequality between city and regions have stagnated at 0.41 in the past four years. Therefore, a development which was initially only concentrated in the capital city will be tried to be more leveled throughout Indonesia. Village Fund Program is one of the government's efforts to make villages the main actors of rural development. The allocation of Village Funds is a mandate of Law No. 6/2014 about Village and Government Regulation (PP) Number 60/2014 about Village Funds sourced from the State Budget. Village Fund’s purposes are to improve public services in the village, alleviate poverty, accelerate the rural economy, overcome the gap between rural development and strengthen rural communities as the subject of the development. However, based on the evaluation that has been carried out, the Village Fund can improve the quality of life, but its impact was not significantly on the economic productivity of the rural community. The use of the Village Fund needs to be directed, in addition to infrastructure, it also focuses on the economic productivity of the community, accelerating village economic growth and alleviating poverty and inequality. This article offers an alternative concept of rural development, which is based on local wisdom, called vernacular expertise of rural development. This conceptual framework aims to compare the concepts of Phillip Lowe's vernacular expertise with the vernacular expertise of rural development that occurs in Indonesia, especially in the Village Fund program. The results shows that the vernacular expertise especially in the Village Fund program is reflected in Musrenbangdes (village development meetings), involving community leaders, traditional leaders, religious leaders, village governments, the private sector/business, and regional representation (RT, RW) and representation of various economic sectors (agriculture/health/education/environment). Musrenbangdes is a planning forum (program) carried out by public institutions, namely the village government, in collaboration with residents and other stakeholders. A meaningful Musrenbangdes will be able to build an understanding of the interests and development of the village, by photographing the potential and sources of development available both from within and outside the village.

Keywords: 1 Income Inequality  2 Networked Development  3 Village Funds Program
 4 Vernacular Expertise  5 Musrenbangdes

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