Abstract. This study aims to determine the impact of revitalization of Banyumas Square on visitor satisfaction.Revitalization is an attempt to revitalize an area or part of a city that was once vital in life but suffered from setbacks and degradation. The process of revitalizing the Banyumas square includes improving the physical and economic aspects. The impact experienced by visitors due to revitalization is about the level of satisfaction with the services and facilities provided in Banyumas Square. Satisfaction is feeling comfort/satisfied or disappointed that arises after comparing the performance (results) of the product with the expected performance (or results). The population in this study were visitors to Banyumas Square, then sampling with non probability sampling methods, because the population studied number and identity of members is unknown.The sample was obtained by 96 visitors. Data analysis techniques used to measure visitor satisfaction with data tabulation. Data from research results on visitor satisfaction will be tabulated in the form of tables that can show ratings for variables 1) accessibility (ease of location, transportation costs), 2) facilities (parking space, number of toilets, play facilities and sports facilities), and 3) management (safety, comfort, cleanliness of the location, care of officers). The results of the study showed that for accessibility variables, visitors were satisfied because the location was easily accessible to the main route of Banyumas and transportation costs were also cheap. The assessment for facility variables is that visitors are satisfied with the play facilities because the available games are of various types, quite satisfied with the available sports facilities, because there are still additional sports facilities, visitors are quite satisfied with the parking space provided and are very dissatisfied with the availability of toilets available.The assessment for management variables is that visitors feel quite satisfied with security and convenience because the location is close to the security and cleanliness of the location, visitors are also quite satisfied because there is still a lot of garbage in the Alun-alun area so that cleanliness is still needed.
Keywords: Revitalization,Banyumas Square, Visitor Satisfaction
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