Abstract. Electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) is a marketing communication instrument that influences many purchasing decisions. In the context of e-WOM, most information comes from unknown individuals, making it difficult for readers to choose accurate information. Source credibility is considered as a guide for assessing accurate information. This study adopts source credibility models and source attractiveness models to identify the effect of source credibility on purchase intentions. The results in this study show that source expertise, source trustworthiness, and source homophily have a positive effect on purchase intention. In addition, this study adopts elaboration likelihood models to identify the role of consumer involvement in moderating the effect of the characteristics of source credibility on purchase intentions. The result is that consumer involvement does not moderate the influence of source expertise, source trustworthiness, and source homophily on purchase intention.
Keywords: e-WOM, source credibility, consumer involvement, purchase intention.
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