Vol 19, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents


Dynamics of the Agricultural Sector and Food Security in the Border Areas East Nusa Tenggara Province – Timor Leste 108-127 PDF
Frederic Winston Nalle, Rifadli D. Kadir, Rudi Masniadi
The Realization of Village, Education, and Health Funds to Reduce Poverty in Eastern Indonesia 128-141 PDF
Helena Louisa Andriani Tamba, Ming Shen, Siwi Nugraheni, Ely Elprida Sigiro, Ferinda Nafisa
The Impact of Agricultural Sector Development on Employment and Income Inequality Using Panel Data Regression Analysis 142-151 PDF
Alvin Setiawan, Barokatumminalloh Barokatumminalloh, Pahrul Fauzi
The Impact of Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) Development on the Economy in the Special Region of Yogyakarta: Input-Output Analysis 152-164 PDF
Dian Irsalina Listikarini, Evan Harlan
Regional Specialization and Regional Leakages as an Impact of Center-Hinterland Interaction (Case: Kupang City and Regencies in West Timor) 165-176 PDF
Anggelina Delviana Klau, Werenfridus Taena, Marce Sherly Kase, Fried Markus Allung Blegur, Felisisma Afoan
The Effect of Education and Skills on Unemployment: the Moderation Role of Economic Growth 177-189 PDF
Ardhita Eko Ginanjar, Albrian Fiky Prakoso, Wida Wulandari, Retno Mustika Dewi
Measuring the Level of Prevalence of Undernourishment (PoU): Analysis of SDGs Achievement in Indonesia 190-202 PDF
Baso Iwang, Nor Hayati binti Sa'at, Andi Faisal Anwar, Bahrul Ulum Rusydi

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Journal & Proceeding | Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis UNSOED