Externalities Of The Wig Industry On Education And Socio-Economic Life Of The Community In Purbalingga Regency
Purbalingga Regency has the potential to become a base for economic growth in Central Java, known as the country's most significant false hair and eyelash industry center. This industry has an impact on economic growth in Purbalingga Regency. The existence of the wig industry creates positive and negative externalities for people's lives and the surrounding environment. This research aims to analyze the externalities of the wig industry in the scope of education and the socio-economic life of the community in Purbalingga Regency. This research is a type of qualitative research. The technique for taking informants in this study used a purposive sampling technique with the criteria of people living in the wig industry area and people who have businesses in the area with a maximum distance of 1 kilometer from the industry, totaling 26 people. Data collection techniques use interviews and observation. The research results show: (1) Externalities in the scope of education, namely the absorption of workers with a minimum education of elementary school, middle school, or high school/vocational school, making it easier for people to be accepted for work. (2) Positive externalities in the socio-economic sphere, namely opening up employment opportunities for the surrounding community, both by absorbing the community to work in the wig industry and opening up opportunities to open businesses for the surrounding community. Establishing people's houses and shops around the wig industry area makes the area busier, thereby increasing people's social contact. Negative externalities in the socio-economic scope are environmental pollution due to production waste such as air, water, and noise pollution, as well as traffic jams around the wig industry road during leaving and returning from work.
Keywords: Externalities, Wig Industry, Socioeconomic, Education
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