Analysis Of Trust And Information Quality Toward Online Shopping Purchase Decision

Dyan Arintowati, Mustafidah Mahardhika, Risma Dwi Antika


This research aims to analyze the impact of trust and information quality on the online purchase decisions of Puhkerep Village’s people. This research is conducted by quantitative approach. Data collection techniques include conducting interviews, documentation and distributing questionnaires to the Puhkerep Village’s people. The research results indicate that the variables of trust and information quality have a significant influence on purchase decisions and the variables of trust and information quality variables simultaneously influence purchase decision. The conclusion of this research is that trust and quality of information have a significant role in shaping online purchase decisions for Puhkerep Village’s people. Therefore, the management and improvement of consumer confidence and the provision of quality information will contribute positively to the improvement of online shopping purchase decisions.

Keywords: Trust, Information Quality, Purchase Decision

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