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Benta Yusifera, Sudarto Sudarto, Sulistyandari Hidayat


This research entitled “The firm's value determinant and its effect on the volume
of stock trading of miscellaneous industry”. This research consist of independent
variable such as capital structure, ownership structure, profitability and growth
opportunity that used to know affect toward firm value of miscellaneous industry.
This research used data from period 2010-2015. This research is quantitative
research that used associative studies to determine the relationship or influence
between two or more variables.
Population in this research is all companies of miscellaneous industry that listed
in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period ofresearch. Data collective method
used purposive sampling method, with result 7 companies. This research used
regression analysis with panel data used fixed effect model, to analyze data used
Eviews 9. Testing the hypothesis by using the coefficient of determination, F-test
statistics and t-test statistics.
The result showed that capital structure, ownership structure, profitability, and
growth opportunity influenced simultaneously toward firm value. Whereas
partially, capital structure positively influencing and significant toward firm value
because debt financing decision will be influencing investor valuating toward the
company. Secondly, institutional ownership positively influencing and
significantly toward firm value, because it can help to monitor company
performance. Thirdly, managerial ownership not positively influencing toward
firm value, because its difficult to avoid agency problem. Forthly, profitability
positively influencing and signiificant toward firm value, because with high
company profit will give high return for shareholder. Fifth, growth opportunity
positively influencing and significant toward firm value, its because company with
high growth opportunity will prefer to use debt that can increase firm value. Sixth,
firm value positively influencing and significant toward trading volume activity,
its because when the stock price decrease will affect toward trading volume
activity. The implication of this research company must increase company
performance so the investor still consistent investing so trading volume activity
keep stable.
Keyword : capital structure, ownership structure, profitability, growth
opportunity, firm value, trading volume activity

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