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PERILAKU PEMBELIAN SECARA ONLINE (Studi Empirik Pada Mahasiswa di Jakarta)

Muslikh Muslikh, Zainal Zainal, Rini Hidayati


The purpose of this research is to examine, online buying behavior and its impact on online
buying decision . Its olso aims to examines the effects of customer satisfaction and trust on
online buying behavior and its impact to buying decision .The survey method was conducted
by distributing the quetioneries to 130 student from several faculties University in Jakarta.
The sampling method used is non probability sampling with purposive technique. The results
indicate that customer satisfaction was influanced significantly to online behavior buying,
customer satisfaction a significant influanced on online buying, customer satisfaction has
a significant influence on trus, trust has a significant influanced on online buying behavior
, online buying behavior has a significant influenced on online buying decision .
Keyword: Customer satisfaction, trust, buying behavior, online buying decision

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