The Effect of Proactive Personality on Innovative Work Behavior With Creative Self Efficacy As A Mediator (Study On Smes Woven Pandanus Kebumen)

Agus Mustofa, Ratno Purnomo, Dwita Darmawati, Irfan Helmy


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of proactive personality on innovative behavior with creative self-efficacy (CSE) as a mediator. This research was carried at UMKM Woven pandanus, in Kebumen Regency with a total of  80 UMKM respondents. This study uses a quantitative approach with path analysis statistical test tools (path analysis). The results showed that proactive personality, creative self-efficacy (CSE) influence innovative behavior. In addition,  CSE has been proven to mediate the relationship between proactive personality and innovative behavior.

Keywords: Proactive Personality, Creative Self Efficacy, Innovative Work Behavior,


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