Social Marketing Strategy to Improve The Success of The Territorial Assault Program (Empirical Study in Darmakradenan, Banyumas Regency)

Dwi Lagan Safrudin, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Ratno Purnomo


The existence of the TNI is flexible, and it could be a force in peacetime to assist the government in the
national development process through the task of Operasi Militer Selain Perang (OMSP). One of the
tangible manifestations of OMSP is a territorial invasion. The purpose of this study is to describe and
analyze the internal and external environmental conditions related to territorial assault activities in
Darmakradenan Village and to analyze social marketing strategies that could be developed to support the
success of territorial assault activities in Darmakradenan. This research is a case study located in
Darmakradenan. The populations of this study were members of the TNI Military Resort Command
(Korem) 071/Wijayakusuma, which village government officials and community members supported. The
sampling technique used purposive sampling. Data collections techniques used were questionnaires,
interviews, observation & documentation. The data analysis used was SWOT analysis. The results showed
that the strength of the territorial assault activities in Darmakradenan included: budget support, the
availability of land, availability of human resources, command system. Weaknesses include the suitability
of the aid material with the target situation, the capacity of the community for Bintara Pembina Desa
(Babinsa), the schedule of activities. Opportunities include community support, local government support,
social media development. The threats include natural conditions, the Covid-19 outbreak, the resistance of
some community members. Based on the SWOT matrix analysis obtained three SO strategies, three WO
strategies, two ST strategies, and three WT strategies.
Keywords : Territorial Raids; Social Marketing; Darmakradenan

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