Perception of Youths toward the E-Commerce Profession in Indonesia
The development of technology and digital technology is a driving factor for the existence of various e-commerce and start-ups in Indonesia. Youths who tend to be technology literate choose e-commerce as their career path. However, research to analyze the perception of youths toward profession in e-commerce field is still limited. This study aimed to analyze the perception of youths towards the profession in e-commerce field and analyze the factors which drive the youths in choosing such profession. Respondents in this study were 120 youths, data analysis used descriptive statistics and non-parametric statistical analysis with binomial test. Based on the results of the analysis, youths perceived the profession in e-commerce field as a business. This kind of proffesion needed Information Technology skills, needed communication skills, required persistence and accuracy, had wide market reach, had suitability for youths, could be done part time, had high flexibility, had high income, did not need strategic location, had clear career path, had fixed income, and had high safety level or had low risk of accident. The reasons that could encourage youths to choose career in e-commerce field were it had wide marker reach, it was easy to deliver information, it could be done part time, it had high flexibility, it had high income but low capital.
Keywords: Profession Perception; Youths; E-Commerce
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