Table of Contents
The Role of Sme’s Community Facing Triple Disruption (a Study of Ex-Migrant Workers Community) | |
Sri Utami Widyawati, Rahma Fahira, Meidina Arimbi Rushartami, Novsa Fakhira |
Green Dynamic Capability Analysis: Study on SME Sustainable Fashion in Semarang | |
Irmawati Bernadeta, Lucia Hari Patworo, Menik Srining Prapti |
The Disruption Challenge in Building Business Viability of SMEs Through Virtual Capital Ownership | |
Abdul Aziz Bagis |
The Study of Natural Material Crafts MSMEs in Optimizing Digital Marketing: Opportunities and Challenges | |
Berta Bekti Retnawati, Hironimus Leong, Bernadeta Irmawati |
Personality Characteristics of Entrepreneur and Business Survival: The Role of External Environments | |
Rizqa Sulaiman Wibisono, Pan Weihua |
The Resilience of Some Types of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Case in Malang Regency | |
Stefanus Yufra M. Taneo, Sunday Noya, Melany Agustina, Aditya Nirwanaa, Erica Adriana |
Business Model Analysis on Zonnebloem Souvenir Using the Business Model Canvas Approach in the Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Restu Milllaningtyas, Ratna Tri Hardaningtyas, Yunike Adityas Cahyaningrum |
Analysis of Cash Waqf Management | |
Rochayati -, Poppy Dian Indira Kusuma |
The Influence of Information Media, Knowledge, and Subjective Norms on Interest in Performing Cash Waqf | |
Rahmah Nur Indah Rahayu, Bambang Agus Pramuka, Wahyudin - |
Continuous Improvement of Total Quality Management in Arabica Coffee Quality Improvement and Control in Brebes Regency | |
Sutarmin -, Purwanto -, Siti Badiatul Umroh, Suhermanto -, Ivan Akmal Nur, Undri Rastuti |
The Effect of Workplace Design and Cognitive Ergonomics on Work Productivity | |
Telma Anis Safitri, Haryadi -, Adi Indrayanto |
Successful E-Procurement Implementation: A Case Study in a Construction Industry Company | |
Kusuma Yudha Ramadhani, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Weni Novandari |
Website Development of Accreditation Information System in Higher Education | |
Adi Indrayanto, Lina Rifda Naufalin, Aldila Krisnaresani, Jaryono -, Aldila Dinanti |
Factors Affecting Food Consumption in Restaurant (Case Study of Residents of Talun District, Cirebon Regency) | |
Hanifah Fardani, Diah Setyorini Gunawan, Ratna Setyawati Gunawan |
Analisys of Total Economi Value Mangrove Forest Area in Gampong Kuala Langsa, Aceh | |
Safuridar Saiful, Salman Syarif, Iqlima Azhar |
The Contribution of Tourism to Economic Growth: The Case of Central Java, Indonesia | |
Agus Arifin |
Analysis of Income, Costs and Income Distribution of Coconut Sugar Craftsmen in Cilongok District | |
Dijan Rahajuni, Lilis Siti Badriah, Arintoko - |
Determinants of Poverty in Indonesia 2015-2019 | |
Dwita Nur Rahma, Dijan Rahajuni, Supadi - |
Continuous Improvement of Total Quality Management in Arabica Coffee Quality Improvement and Control in Brebes Regency | |
Sutarmin -, Purwanto -, Siti Badiatul Umroh, Suhermanto -, Ivan Akmal Nur, Undri Rastuti |
Integrated Reporting and Intention to Invest An Experimental Study with Non-Professional Investors | |
Negina Kencono Putri, Sugiarto Sugiarto, Amber Lumbantoruan, Triani Arofah |
Integrated Reporting and Intention to Invest An Experimental Study with Non-Professional Investors | |
Negina Kencono Putri, Sugiarto Sugiarto, Amber Lumbantoruan, Triani Arofah |
The Influence of Financial Ratios and Macroeconomic Indicators in Predicting Financial Distress (Empirical Study in the Consumer Goods Sector Companies) | |
Mega Yuliastari, Najmudin Najmudin, Meutia Karunia Dewi |
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Market Reaction in the Telecommunications Sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange | |
Indar Budi Utami, Sudarto Sudarto, Intan Shaferi |
The Effect of Changes in Gold and Nickel Prices on Stock Return of Mining Sector Company | |
Akbar Rahmat Ramadhan, Sudarto Sudarto, Ary Yunanto |
Analysis of Characteristics of Banyumas Batik SMEs as a Basis for Development of Digital Financial Literacy Education Model | |
Lina Rifda Naufalin, Jaryono Jaryono, Tohir Tohir, Aldila Krisnaresanti |
The Influence of Good Corporate Governance toward Earnings Management | |
Rizkya Samara Dewi, Bambang Agus Pramuka, Agung Praptapa, Christina Tri Setyorini |
Analysis of The Implementation of Sak Emkm in the Preparation of Financial Reports on MSMEs | |
Karina Odia Julialevi, Icuk Rangga Bawono |
The Influence of Firm Size, Leverage, Liquidity, and Sales Growth on Financial Performance (Study on Agriculture Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange Over the Period 2014-2018) | |
Rizky Surya Nugraha, Ade Banani, Intan Shaferi |
The Impact of Audit Quality on Stock Prices in Japan: Based on the Cases of Accounting Fraud in Kanebo, Olympus, and Toshiba | |
Utari Siswandari, Siti Maghfiroh, Warsidi Warsidi |
The Effect of the Use of E-Commerce and Accounting Information System on SMEs Revenues | |
Shinta Ajeng Puspitaningtyas, Poppy Dian Indira Kusuma, Umi Pratiwi |
Determinants of Positive Motivational Postures: A Survey in A Legal Entity State University | |
Nur Cahyonowati, Dwi Ratmono, Totok Dewayanto |
Human Capital Disclosure in Indonesian Banking During Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Wita Ramadhanti |
The Relationship Between the Creation of Liquidity, Capital and Profitability of Privatized Banks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange | |
Sudarto Sudarto, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah |
The Effect of Time Budget Pressure, Turnover Intention, Self Esteem in Relation to Ambition, and Competency on Audit Disfunctional Behavior | |
Rizki Fakhri Nugraha, Atiek Sri Purwati, Agus Faturokhman |
Financial Behavior and Financial Well-Being of College Student: Effect of Self-Control, Optimism, and Deliberative Thinking | |
Feronica Via Christiany, Sudarto Sudarto, Sulistyandari Sulistyandari |
Can Leadership Agility and Learning Orientation Be for The Resilience of SMEs Entrepreneurs? | |
Santi Nururly |
An Analysis of Factors Affecting The Discipline of Nurses’ Work Performance In The Inpatient Room of RSU Harapan Purbalingga During The Pandemic | |
Rofie Shazni Ruzaini, Ratno Purnomo, Eman Sutrisna |
An Assessment Mental Workload and Its Associated Factor among Employees in Budhi Asih Mother and Child Hospital | |
Karina Prawestisita, Dwita Darmawati, Daryono Daryono |
Analysis Of The Implementation Of The Student Educational Internship Program In The Economic Education Study Program During The Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Tohir Tohir, Jaryono Jaryono, Adi Indrayanto, Lina Rifda Naufalin, Aldila Krisnaresanti |
Analysis Of Application Of The UTAUT Model On Behavior Of Use Of Electronic Medical Records In RSUD Prof Dr Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto | |
Rizki Maulana Tsani, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Budi Aji |
The Creative Economy Agency Support for the Micro and Small Industries Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic | |
Sahabudin Sidiq, Awan Setya Dewantara |
Being Creative and Choosing The Best Coping Strategies Based On Emotional Intelligence | |
Salsabila Nadianisa Maruto, Adi Indrayanto, Ade Irma Anggraeni |
Direct and Indirect Effects on Employee Performance in Local MSMEs: A Case in the Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Neneng Sofiyanti, Pratiwi Dwi Suhartanti |
Doctors' Perceptions About Workload on Doctors' Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Emergency Departement | |
Dikta Zanwar Arifin Rafiq, Sri Murni, Wahyu Siswandari |
Employee Perceptionabout Work from Home Policy Duringthe Covid- 19 Pandemic on Employee’s Task Performance at Dinas Pekerjaan Umum of Banyumas Regency | |
Novita Noor Triana, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari |
Employer Branding: Strategic Implications to Attract Millenials Workforce | |
Retno Kurniasih, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Ratno Purnomo, Ekaningtyas Widiastuti |
How Leadership Style develops Follower’s Regulatory Focus (Empirical Study from Rural Leaders at Banyumas Regency) | |
Achmad Sudjadi, Dwita Darmawati |
How to Develop SME's Creativity? An Empirical Study On SME's Creative Industry in Kebumen Regency | |
Muhamad Salim, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Ratno Purnomo |
Human Capital Disclosure in Indonesian Banking During Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Wita Ramadhanti |
Influence of Learning Load, Social Support and Self-Esteem on Academic Burnout With Self-Efficacy As Moderation | |
Fahmi Rizky Ferdiansyah, Achmad Sudjadi, Nur Choirul Afif |
Arman Maulana, Ratno Purnomo, Dwita Dwita Darmawati |
Job Satisfaction as A Mediation Variable on the Effect of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style to Organizational Commitment | |
Fatmah Bagis, Akhmad Darmawan, Dwi Vina Rahmawati |
Millenial’s Job Choice: An Empirical Study on Employer Branding | |
Disa Obi Sobriyah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Retno Kurniasih |
Proactive Personality and Creativity: The Role Mediating of Meaning of Work | |
Aliffia Fatma Syamsiar, Achmad Sudjadi, Dwita Darmawati |
The Comparative Analysis of Graduate Competency of School of Economics (STIE) SATRIA Before and After Working | |
Amin Budiastuti, Susanti Budiastuti, Rosalina Anindia Sari Kartika |
The Effect Of Learning Facilities, Teacher Competency And Learning Motivation Of The Student Understanding On Online Learning In The Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Seftiandik Sifanur Lishar, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Dyah Perwita |
The Mediation Role of Strategic Influence in The Relationship Between Personality and Performance | |
Dwita Darmawati |
The Relationship between Regulatory Focus and Personality to Motivation Leading and Effectiveness of Service | |
Sri Sugiarti, Achmad Sudjadi, Dwita Darma |
Why Do Inpatient Patients Decide To Outpatient In Covid-19 Pandemic? | |
Teguh Pujianto, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Intan Shaferi |
Factors Affecting Continuance Intention of Food Ordering Applications | |
Khoirul Masrurin, Pramono Hari Adi, Intan Shaferi |
Loyalty Intentions, Satisfaction, Commitment, Trust and Mediating Effects of Customer Involvement at Bank Negara Indonesia Purwokerto Branch Office | |
Wirawan Pradana, Agus Suroso, Lusi Suwandari |
Social Marketing Strategy to Improve The Success of The Territorial Assault Program (Empirical Study in Darmakradenan, Banyumas Regency) | |
Dwi Lagan Safrudin, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Ratno Purnomo |
The Effect of Dental Service Quality Including Structure on Patient Satisfaction in Executive Dental Clinic of Dadi Keluarga General Hospital Purwokerto | |
Mirna Oktavia Sari, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Haris Budi Widodo |
The Effect of Motivation, Price and Perceived Quality on Consumer Purchase Decisions of Lenovo Laptops in The Covid-19 Pandemic Era in Purwokerto | |
Saraswati Dewi, Wiwiek R. Adawiyah, Nur Choirul Afif |
Build an Agricultural Business Ecosystem For Agricultural Insurance | |
Tony Hendrawan, Adi Indrayanto, Nur Choirul Afif |
Build an Agricultural Business Ecosystem For Agricultural Insurance | |
Tony Hendrawan, Adi Indrayanto, Nur Choirul Afif |
The Psychographic and Demographic Profile of Online Thrift Shop Consumers in Tasikmalaya | |
Wiwi Widia, Refius Pradipta Setyanto, Rio Dhani Laksana |
Impact of Social Media Influencers on Purchase Intention Among Generations Y and Z With Consumer Attitude as Mediation Variable | |
Ade Yuliana, Weni Novandari, Sri Murni Setyawati |
The Effect of Hospital Service Quality on Patient Trust and Loyalty (Study at RSU Harapan Ibu Purbalingga) | |
Hayati Isti Fadah, Weni Novandari, Lantip Rujito |
The Effect of Trust, Perceived Benefit Perception and Religiosity in the Continuity Intention of OVO - Digital Wallet Services | |
Bayu Wicaksono Adhi, Sri Murni Setyawati, Lusi Suwandari |
Social Media Usage Interest as A Marketing Media Alternative for Smes During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study on the Smes Entrepreneur Association of Banyumas Regency) | |
Hendro Sukoco, Refius Pradipta Setyanto, Ary Yunanto |
Analysis of Service Recovery Toward Corporate Image at PT PLN (Persero) ULP Banjarnegara | |
Ery Dwi Santosa, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Nur Choirul Afif |
The Effect of Perceived Quality and Brand Image on the Purchase Decision of Rapid Test Covid-19 (Case Study at PT. Sarana Megamedilab Sejahtera Purwokerto Branch) | |
Hari Ady Prasetya, Weni Novandari, Lusi Suwandari |
The Effect of Price and Product Quality on Consumer Purchase Decisions Case Study on Fremilt Product by Relita | |
Maulana Saputra, Rahab Rahab, Najmudin Najmudin |
The Effect of Price and Product Quality on Consumer Purchase Decisions Case Study on Fremilt Product by Relita | |
Maulana Saputra, Rahab Rahab, Najmudin Najmudin |
Analysis of Loyalty Level of Farmers to Core Companies in Partnership Chicken Broiler PT. Multi Sarana Pakanindo in Brebes Regency | |
Joko Wahyu Rohmad Saputro, Achmad Sudjadi, Weni Novandari |
The Influence of Logistics Service Quality on Shipping Services (Study on Consumers of J&T Express, JNE Express, SiCepat, Pos Indonesia and Ninja Express) | |
Afifatul Yumna, Dwita Darmawati, Lusi Suwandari |
The Effect of Trust in Intention to Use Digital Library: Based on TAM | |
Rani Yumita, Pramono Hari Adi, Rio Dhani Laksana |
The Human Resources Management Process: Domestic Migrant Workers Perspective | |
Meutia Karunia Dewi, Novita Puspasari, Sofiatul Khotimah |
The Role of Villagers Melung as a Social Innovations to Advocacy the Pagubugan Melung Tourism Through the Involvement | |
Lusi Suwandari, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti, Meutia Karunia Dewi |
The Effect Of Store Atmosphere And Word Of Mouth On Consumer Purchase Decisions At Cafe Traffic Light Koffie Cilacap | |
Aghni Nur Rahmah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Najmudin Najmudin |
A Development Needs Analysis and Perceived Usefulness of Learning Management System (LMS) in E-commerce Learning for Youths | |
Yanuar E. Restianto, Aldila Krisnaresanti, Nur Chasanah, Dadang Iskandar, Nofi Bayu Darmawan |
The Influence of the Attractiveness of Social Media Influencer on Purchase Intention with Brand Trust as a Mediating Variable (on Beauty Products) | |
Anastasia Savitri, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Refius Pradipta Setyanto |
Perception of Youths toward the E-Commerce Profession in Indonesia | |
Yanuar E. Restianto, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Adi Indrayanto, Lina Rifda Naufalin, Aldila Dinanti |
The Effectiveness of Photo-Sharing-Based Instagram Social Media in Influencing Consumer Purchase Intentions on the @manteracorner Instagram account | |
Atika Atika, Refius Pradipta Setyanto, Nur Choirul Afif |
Matrealism Forms Consumer Compulsive Buying With Fashion Orientation As Mediation (Survey On @Appleblossom.Id Followers) | |
Roy Romadhon, Rahab Abrar, Lusi Suwandari |
The Effect of Event Image on Revisit Intention with Perceived Value as a Mediating Variable | |
Dena Purwa Rifqi Yosa, Agus Suroso, Refius Pradipta Setyanto |
Digipreneurship Concept for Enhancing SMEs Performance on Post Pandemic Covid-19 | |
Alisa Tri Nawarini, Intan Shaferi |
Millenial’s Job Choice: An Empirical Study on Employer Branding | |
Disa Obi Sobriyah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Retno Kurniasih |
The Role of Villagers Melung as a Social Innovations to Advocacy the Pagubugan Melung Tourism Through the Involvement | |
Lusi Suwandari, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti, Meutia Karunia Dewi |
The Effect of Social Media Advertising Content & Event Marketing on Student Interest with University Image as an Intervening Variable | |
Restiana Restiana, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Weni Novandari |
Relation between Knowledge, Brand, and Intention with Purchase Decision of Beauty Clinic Franchise “Puspo Aesthetic Clinic” | |
Dyah Pusporini, Pramono Hari Adi, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti |
The Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio and Current Ratio on Stock Return With Return on Equity as Intervening Variables (Food and Beverages Sector Company 2016-2019) | |
Ruby Andry Novison, Christina Tri Setyorini, Irianing Suparlinah |
The Political, Institutional and Economic Determinants of Budget Forecast Errors and Their Consequences on Economic Growth: evidence from Indonesia | |
Dewi Mustika Ratu, Siti Maghfiroh, Irianing Suparlinah |
The Effects of Remote Auditing, Work Stress, Intellectual Intelligence, and Professional Skepticism on Auditor Performance | |
Elza Ryandhita Amelia, Atiek Sri Purwati, Umi Pratiwi |
Can Digital Literacy Increase SMEs Performance? An Evidence from SMEs in Banyumas | |
Ekaningtyas Widiastuti, Retno Kurniasih, Sri Martini |
Analysis of The Management of Revolving Fund Receivables at The Brebes Regency Government | |
Kurniati Kurniati, Siti Maghfiroh, Adi Wiratno |
Analysis of Management Control, Business Strategy, and Organizational Culture, and Their Impact on Managment Accounting Information System | |
Arina Nurjanah, Agung Praptapa, Siti Maghfiroh |
The Influence of Occupational Health and Safety Training on the Safety Behavior of the Cleaning Service Workers (A Case Study at PT WIS) | |
Siti Nurbaya, Masreviastuti Masreviastuti, Ellyn Eka Wahyu |
Utilisation of Android-based Learning Media in Motivating Economics Education Student Learning | |
Cut Misni Mulasiwi, Ramita Kholifaturrohmah, Najmudin Najmudin |
How Virtual Experiential Marketing Designs Customer Intention? | |
Tiladela Luhita, Monica Rosiana |
The Existence of Cooperatives as a Way of Eradicating Dependence on Moneylenders (Marketing Perspective) | |
Monica Rosiana |
Analysis of Internal and External Factors as a Form of Strategy to Improve the Performance of UKM Gropak Banyumas | |
Dwita Aprillia Floresti |