Vol 2 (2021)

Proceeding of International Conference Sustainable Competitive Advantage 11th

Table of Contents


The Role of Sme’s Community Facing Triple Disruption (a Study of Ex-Migrant Workers Community) PDF
Sri Utami Widyawati, Rahma Fahira, Meidina Arimbi Rushartami, Novsa Fakhira
Green Dynamic Capability Analysis: Study on SME Sustainable Fashion in Semarang PDF
Irmawati Bernadeta, Lucia Hari Patworo, Menik Srining Prapti
The Disruption Challenge in Building Business Viability of SMEs Through Virtual Capital Ownership PDF
Abdul Aziz Bagis
The Study of Natural Material Crafts MSMEs in Optimizing Digital Marketing: Opportunities and Challenges PDF
Berta Bekti Retnawati, Hironimus Leong, Bernadeta Irmawati
Personality Characteristics of Entrepreneur and Business Survival: The Role of External Environments PDF
Rizqa Sulaiman Wibisono, Pan Weihua
The Resilience of Some Types of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Case in Malang Regency PDF
Stefanus Yufra M. Taneo, Sunday Noya, Melany Agustina, Aditya Nirwanaa, Erica Adriana
Business Model Analysis on Zonnebloem Souvenir Using the Business Model Canvas Approach in the Covid-19 Pandemic PDF
Restu Milllaningtyas, Ratna Tri Hardaningtyas, Yunike Adityas Cahyaningrum
Analysis of Cash Waqf Management PDF
Rochayati -, Poppy Dian Indira Kusuma
The Influence of Information Media, Knowledge, and Subjective Norms on Interest in Performing Cash Waqf PDF
Rahmah Nur Indah Rahayu, Bambang Agus Pramuka, Wahyudin -
The Using of Murabahah, Mudharabah and Musyarakah Agreements in Sharia Micro Financing for Micro Small, Medium Entreprises (MSMEs): A Case Study of PT. Bumi Artha Sampang Sharia People's Financing Bank, Cilacap PDF
Sugeng Riyadi
Continuous Improvement of Total Quality Management in Arabica Coffee Quality Improvement and Control in Brebes Regency PDF
Sutarmin -, Purwanto -, Siti Badiatul Umroh, Suhermanto -, Ivan Akmal Nur, Undri Rastuti
The Effect of Workplace Design and Cognitive Ergonomics on Work Productivity PDF
Telma Anis Safitri, Haryadi -, Adi Indrayanto
Successful E-Procurement Implementation: A Case Study in a Construction Industry Company PDF
Kusuma Yudha Ramadhani, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Weni Novandari
Website Development of Accreditation Information System in Higher Education PDF
Adi Indrayanto, Lina Rifda Naufalin, Aldila Krisnaresani, Jaryono -, Aldila Dinanti
Factors Affecting Food Consumption in Restaurant (Case Study of Residents of Talun District, Cirebon Regency) PDF
Hanifah Fardani, Diah Setyorini Gunawan, Ratna Setyawati Gunawan
Analisys of Total Economi Value Mangrove Forest Area in Gampong Kuala Langsa, Aceh PDF
Safuridar Saiful, Salman Syarif, Iqlima Azhar
The Contribution of Tourism to Economic Growth: The Case of Central Java, Indonesia PDF
Agus Arifin
Analysis of Income, Costs and Income Distribution of Coconut Sugar Craftsmen in Cilongok District PDF
Dijan Rahajuni, Lilis Siti Badriah, Arintoko -
Determinants of Poverty in Indonesia 2015-2019 PDF
Dwita Nur Rahma, Dijan Rahajuni, Supadi -
Continuous Improvement of Total Quality Management in Arabica Coffee Quality Improvement and Control in Brebes Regency PDF
Sutarmin -, Purwanto -, Siti Badiatul Umroh, Suhermanto -, Ivan Akmal Nur, Undri Rastuti
Integrated Reporting and Intention to Invest An Experimental Study with Non-Professional Investors PDF
Negina Kencono Putri, Sugiarto Sugiarto, Amber Lumbantoruan, Triani Arofah
Integrated Reporting and Intention to Invest An Experimental Study with Non-Professional Investors PDF
Negina Kencono Putri, Sugiarto Sugiarto, Amber Lumbantoruan, Triani Arofah
The Influence of Financial Ratios and Macroeconomic Indicators in Predicting Financial Distress (Empirical Study in the Consumer Goods Sector Companies) PDF
Mega Yuliastari, Najmudin Najmudin, Meutia Karunia Dewi
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Market Reaction in the Telecommunications Sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange PDF
Indar Budi Utami, Sudarto Sudarto, Intan Shaferi
The Effect of Changes in Gold and Nickel Prices on Stock Return of Mining Sector Company PDF
Akbar Rahmat Ramadhan, Sudarto Sudarto, Ary Yunanto
Analysis of Characteristics of Banyumas Batik SMEs as a Basis for Development of Digital Financial Literacy Education Model PDF
Lina Rifda Naufalin, Jaryono Jaryono, Tohir Tohir, Aldila Krisnaresanti
The Influence of Good Corporate Governance toward Earnings Management PDF
Rizkya Samara Dewi, Bambang Agus Pramuka, Agung Praptapa, Christina Tri Setyorini
Analysis of The Implementation of Sak Emkm in the Preparation of Financial Reports on MSMEs PDF
Karina Odia Julialevi, Icuk Rangga Bawono
The Influence of Firm Size, Leverage, Liquidity, and Sales Growth on Financial Performance (Study on Agriculture Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange Over the Period 2014-2018) PDF
Rizky Surya Nugraha, Ade Banani, Intan Shaferi
The Impact of Audit Quality on Stock Prices in Japan: Based on the Cases of Accounting Fraud in Kanebo, Olympus, and Toshiba PDF
Utari Siswandari, Siti Maghfiroh, Warsidi Warsidi
The Effect of the Use of E-Commerce and Accounting Information System on SMEs Revenues PDF
Shinta Ajeng Puspitaningtyas, Poppy Dian Indira Kusuma, Umi Pratiwi
Determinants of Positive Motivational Postures: A Survey in A Legal Entity State University PDF
Nur Cahyonowati, Dwi Ratmono, Totok Dewayanto
Human Capital Disclosure in Indonesian Banking During Covid-19 Pandemic PDF
Wita Ramadhanti
The Relationship Between the Creation of Liquidity, Capital and Profitability of Privatized Banks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange PDF
Sudarto Sudarto, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah
The Effect of Time Budget Pressure, Turnover Intention, Self Esteem in Relation to Ambition, and Competency on Audit Disfunctional Behavior PDF
Rizki Fakhri Nugraha, Atiek Sri Purwati, Agus Faturokhman
Financial Behavior and Financial Well-Being of College Student: Effect of Self-Control, Optimism, and Deliberative Thinking PDF
Feronica Via Christiany, Sudarto Sudarto, Sulistyandari Sulistyandari
Can Leadership Agility and Learning Orientation Be for The Resilience of SMEs Entrepreneurs? PDF
Santi Nururly
An Analysis of Factors Affecting The Discipline of Nurses’ Work Performance In The Inpatient Room of RSU Harapan Purbalingga During The Pandemic PDF
Rofie Shazni Ruzaini, Ratno Purnomo, Eman Sutrisna
An Assessment Mental Workload and Its Associated Factor among Employees in Budhi Asih Mother and Child Hospital PDF
Karina Prawestisita, Dwita Darmawati, Daryono Daryono
Analysis Of The Implementation Of The Student Educational Internship Program In The Economic Education Study Program During The Covid-19 Pandemic PDF
Tohir Tohir, Jaryono Jaryono, Adi Indrayanto, Lina Rifda Naufalin, Aldila Krisnaresanti
Analysis Of Application Of The UTAUT Model On Behavior Of Use Of Electronic Medical Records In RSUD Prof Dr Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto PDF
Rizki Maulana Tsani, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Budi Aji
The Creative Economy Agency Support for the Micro and Small Industries Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic PDF
Sahabudin Sidiq, Awan Setya Dewantara
Being Creative and Choosing The Best Coping Strategies Based On Emotional Intelligence PDF
Salsabila Nadianisa Maruto, Adi Indrayanto, Ade Irma Anggraeni
Direct and Indirect Effects on Employee Performance in Local MSMEs: A Case in the Covid-19 Pandemic PDF
Neneng Sofiyanti, Pratiwi Dwi Suhartanti
The Using of Murabahah, Mudharabah and Musyarakah Agreements in Sharia Micro Financing for Micro Small, Medium Entreprises (MSMEs): A Case Study of PT. Bumi Artha Sampang Sharia People's Financing Bank, Cilacap PDF
Sugeng Riyadi
Doctors' Perceptions About Workload on Doctors' Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Emergency Departement PDF
Dikta Zanwar Arifin Rafiq, Sri Murni, Wahyu Siswandari
Employee Perceptionabout Work from Home Policy Duringthe Covid- 19 Pandemic on Employee’s Task Performance at Dinas Pekerjaan Umum of Banyumas Regency PDF
Novita Noor Triana, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari
Employer Branding: Strategic Implications to Attract Millenials Workforce PDF
Retno Kurniasih, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Ratno Purnomo, Ekaningtyas Widiastuti
How Leadership Style develops Follower’s Regulatory Focus (Empirical Study from Rural Leaders at Banyumas Regency) PDF
Achmad Sudjadi, Dwita Darmawati
How to Develop SME's Creativity? An Empirical Study On SME's Creative Industry in Kebumen Regency PDF
Muhamad Salim, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Ratno Purnomo
Human Capital Disclosure in Indonesian Banking During Covid-19 Pandemic PDF
Wita Ramadhanti
Influence of Learning Load, Social Support and Self-Esteem on Academic Burnout With Self-Efficacy As Moderation PDF
Fahmi Rizky Ferdiansyah, Achmad Sudjadi, Nur Choirul Afif
Arman Maulana, Ratno Purnomo, Dwita Dwita Darmawati
Job Satisfaction as A Mediation Variable on the Effect of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style to Organizational Commitment PDF
Fatmah Bagis, Akhmad Darmawan, Dwi Vina Rahmawati
Millenial’s Job Choice: An Empirical Study on Employer Branding PDF
Disa Obi Sobriyah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Retno Kurniasih
Proactive Personality and Creativity: The Role Mediating of Meaning of Work PDF
Aliffia Fatma Syamsiar, Achmad Sudjadi, Dwita Darmawati
The Comparative Analysis of Graduate Competency of School of Economics (STIE) SATRIA Before and After Working PDF
Amin Budiastuti, Susanti Budiastuti, Rosalina Anindia Sari Kartika
The Effect Of Learning Facilities, Teacher Competency And Learning Motivation Of The Student Understanding On Online Learning In The Covid-19 Pandemic PDF
Seftiandik Sifanur Lishar, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Dyah Perwita
The Mediation Role of Strategic Influence in The Relationship Between Personality and Performance PDF
Dwita Darmawati
The Relationship between Regulatory Focus and Personality to Motivation Leading and Effectiveness of Service PDF
Sri Sugiarti, Achmad Sudjadi, Dwita Darma
Why Do Inpatient Patients Decide To Outpatient In Covid-19 Pandemic? PDF
Teguh Pujianto, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Intan Shaferi
Factors Affecting Continuance Intention of Food Ordering Applications PDF
Khoirul Masrurin, Pramono Hari Adi, Intan Shaferi
Loyalty Intentions, Satisfaction, Commitment, Trust and Mediating Effects of Customer Involvement at Bank Negara Indonesia Purwokerto Branch Office
Wirawan Pradana, Agus Suroso, Lusi Suwandari
Social Marketing Strategy to Improve The Success of The Territorial Assault Program (Empirical Study in Darmakradenan, Banyumas Regency) PDF
Dwi Lagan Safrudin, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Ratno Purnomo
The Effect of Dental Service Quality Including Structure on Patient Satisfaction in Executive Dental Clinic of Dadi Keluarga General Hospital Purwokerto PDF
Mirna Oktavia Sari, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Haris Budi Widodo
The Effect of Motivation, Price and Perceived Quality on Consumer Purchase Decisions of Lenovo Laptops in The Covid-19 Pandemic Era in Purwokerto PDF
Saraswati Dewi, Wiwiek R. Adawiyah, Nur Choirul Afif
Build an Agricultural Business Ecosystem For Agricultural Insurance PDF
Tony Hendrawan, Adi Indrayanto, Nur Choirul Afif
Build an Agricultural Business Ecosystem For Agricultural Insurance PDF
Tony Hendrawan, Adi Indrayanto, Nur Choirul Afif
The Psychographic and Demographic Profile of Online Thrift Shop Consumers in Tasikmalaya PDF
Wiwi Widia, Refius Pradipta Setyanto, Rio Dhani Laksana
Impact of Social Media Influencers on Purchase Intention Among Generations Y and Z With Consumer Attitude as Mediation Variable
Ade Yuliana, Weni Novandari, Sri Murni Setyawati
The Effect of Hospital Service Quality on Patient Trust and Loyalty (Study at RSU Harapan Ibu Purbalingga) PDF
Hayati Isti Fadah, Weni Novandari, Lantip Rujito
The Effect of Trust, Perceived Benefit Perception and Religiosity in the Continuity Intention of OVO - Digital Wallet Services PDF
Bayu Wicaksono Adhi, Sri Murni Setyawati, Lusi Suwandari
Social Media Usage Interest as A Marketing Media Alternative for Smes During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study on the Smes Entrepreneur Association of Banyumas Regency) PDF
Hendro Sukoco, Refius Pradipta Setyanto, Ary Yunanto
Analysis of Service Recovery Toward Corporate Image at PT PLN (Persero) ULP Banjarnegara PDF
Ery Dwi Santosa, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Nur Choirul Afif
The Effect of Perceived Quality and Brand Image on the Purchase Decision of Rapid Test Covid-19 (Case Study at PT. Sarana Megamedilab Sejahtera Purwokerto Branch) PDF
Hari Ady Prasetya, Weni Novandari, Lusi Suwandari
The Effect of Price and Product Quality on Consumer Purchase Decisions Case Study on Fremilt Product by Relita PDF
Maulana Saputra, Rahab Rahab, Najmudin Najmudin
The Effect of Price and Product Quality on Consumer Purchase Decisions Case Study on Fremilt Product by Relita PDF
Maulana Saputra, Rahab Rahab, Najmudin Najmudin
Analysis of Loyalty Level of Farmers to Core Companies in Partnership Chicken Broiler PT. Multi Sarana Pakanindo in Brebes Regency PDF
Joko Wahyu Rohmad Saputro, Achmad Sudjadi, Weni Novandari
The Influence of Logistics Service Quality on Shipping Services (Study on Consumers of J&T Express, JNE Express, SiCepat, Pos Indonesia and Ninja Express) PDF
Afifatul Yumna, Dwita Darmawati, Lusi Suwandari
The Effect of Trust in Intention to Use Digital Library: Based on TAM PDF
Rani Yumita, Pramono Hari Adi, Rio Dhani Laksana
The Human Resources Management Process: Domestic Migrant Workers Perspective PDF
Meutia Karunia Dewi, Novita Puspasari, Sofiatul Khotimah
The Role of Villagers Melung as a Social Innovations to Advocacy the Pagubugan Melung Tourism Through the Involvement PDF
Lusi Suwandari, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti, Meutia Karunia Dewi
The Effect Of Store Atmosphere And Word Of Mouth On Consumer Purchase Decisions At Cafe Traffic Light Koffie Cilacap PDF
Aghni Nur Rahmah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Najmudin Najmudin
A Development Needs Analysis and Perceived Usefulness of Learning Management System (LMS) in E-commerce Learning for Youths PDF
Yanuar E. Restianto, Aldila Krisnaresanti, Nur Chasanah, Dadang Iskandar, Nofi Bayu Darmawan
The Influence of the Attractiveness of Social Media Influencer on Purchase Intention with Brand Trust as a Mediating Variable (on Beauty Products) PDF
Anastasia Savitri, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Refius Pradipta Setyanto
Perception of Youths toward the E-Commerce Profession in Indonesia PDF
Yanuar E. Restianto, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Adi Indrayanto, Lina Rifda Naufalin, Aldila Dinanti
The Effectiveness of Photo-Sharing-Based Instagram Social Media in Influencing Consumer Purchase Intentions on the @manteracorner Instagram account PDF
Atika Atika, Refius Pradipta Setyanto, Nur Choirul Afif
Matrealism Forms Consumer Compulsive Buying With Fashion Orientation As Mediation (Survey On @Appleblossom.Id Followers) PDF
Roy Romadhon, Rahab Abrar, Lusi Suwandari
The Effect of Event Image on Revisit Intention with Perceived Value as a Mediating Variable PDF
Dena Purwa Rifqi Yosa, Agus Suroso, Refius Pradipta Setyanto
Digipreneurship Concept for Enhancing SMEs Performance on Post Pandemic Covid-19 PDF
Alisa Tri Nawarini, Intan Shaferi
Millenial’s Job Choice: An Empirical Study on Employer Branding PDF
Disa Obi Sobriyah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Retno Kurniasih
The Role of Villagers Melung as a Social Innovations to Advocacy the Pagubugan Melung Tourism Through the Involvement PDF
Lusi Suwandari, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti, Meutia Karunia Dewi
The Effect of Social Media Advertising Content & Event Marketing on Student Interest with University Image as an Intervening Variable PDF
Restiana Restiana, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Weni Novandari
Relation between Knowledge, Brand, and Intention with Purchase Decision of Beauty Clinic Franchise “Puspo Aesthetic Clinic” PDF
Dyah Pusporini, Pramono Hari Adi, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti
The Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio and Current Ratio on Stock Return With Return on Equity as Intervening Variables (Food and Beverages Sector Company 2016-2019) PDF
Ruby Andry Novison, Christina Tri Setyorini, Irianing Suparlinah
The Political, Institutional and Economic Determinants of Budget Forecast Errors and Their Consequences on Economic Growth: evidence from Indonesia PDF
Dewi Mustika Ratu, Siti Maghfiroh, Irianing Suparlinah
The Effects of Remote Auditing, Work Stress, Intellectual Intelligence, and Professional Skepticism on Auditor Performance PDF
Elza Ryandhita Amelia, Atiek Sri Purwati, Umi Pratiwi
Can Digital Literacy Increase SMEs Performance? An Evidence from SMEs in Banyumas PDF
Ekaningtyas Widiastuti, Retno Kurniasih, Sri Martini
Analysis of The Management of Revolving Fund Receivables at The Brebes Regency Government PDF
Kurniati Kurniati, Siti Maghfiroh, Adi Wiratno
Analysis of Management Control, Business Strategy, and Organizational Culture, and Their Impact on Managment Accounting Information System PDF
Arina Nurjanah, Agung Praptapa, Siti Maghfiroh
The Influence of Occupational Health and Safety Training on the Safety Behavior of the Cleaning Service Workers (A Case Study at PT WIS) PDF
Siti Nurbaya, Masreviastuti Masreviastuti, Ellyn Eka Wahyu
Utilisation of Android-based Learning Media in Motivating Economics Education Student Learning PDF
Cut Misni Mulasiwi, Ramita Kholifaturrohmah, Najmudin Najmudin
How Virtual Experiential Marketing Designs Customer Intention? PDF
Tiladela Luhita, Monica Rosiana
The Existence of Cooperatives as a Way of Eradicating Dependence on Moneylenders (Marketing Perspective) PDF
Monica Rosiana
Analysis of Internal and External Factors as a Form of Strategy to Improve the Performance of UKM Gropak Banyumas PDF
Dwita Aprillia Floresti

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Journal & Proceeding | Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis UNSOED