The Effect of Storytelling Marketing on Purchase Intention with Empathy as a Mediating Variable
Social media is a platform for brands to present creative advertisements, one of which is storytelling ads. In Indonesia, many advertisers have started using storytelling techniques. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of storytelling marketing on the purchase intention of the viewers with empathy as a mediating variable. The elements of storytelling used in this study are perceived esthetic, narrative structure, and self-reference. The proposed research model is based on heuristic theory. This study uses Gojek's advertisements to verify the relationship in the proposed model. Data was collected from 191 respondents through an online closed questionnaire. The Partial Least Squares and Sobel tests were used to analyze the data. The results showed that perceived esthetic and narrative structure have no effect on purchase intention. Self-reference and empathy have a positive effect on purchase intention. Perceived esthetic has no effect on empathy. Narrative structure and self-reference have a positive effect on empathy. Empathy in this study only mediates the positive effect of self-reference on purchase intention.
Keywords: Storytelling Marketing; Empathy; Purchase Intention
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