Analysis of Company Internal and External Factors VS Share Prices of Food and Beverage Sub-Sector Companies on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
This study aims to determine the influence of internal factors and external factors of the company on stock prices in food and beverage sub-sector companies listed on the IDX. The population is 88 food and beverage sub-sector companies listed on the IDX in 2018 – 2022. Sampling used purposive sampling with a sample of 27 companies. The analysis tool uses panel data regression with the best random effect model and analysis using eviews 12 software.
Based on the results of the t-test analysis, the current ratio variable has no effect on stock prices. Meanwhile, the variable debt to total assets has a significant negative effect. For the return on equity variable, firm size and interest rates have a significant positive effect on stock prices. Furthermore, the exchange rate variable has no effect on stock prices.
It is expected that investors pay attention to the factors that can affect stock prices, especially the current ratio, debt to total assets, return on equity, company size, interest rates and exchange rates in determining investment in company shares. The limitation of this study is that it cannot prove the effect of the current ratio and exchange rate on stock prices due to the limited observation period of the analytical tools used. Further research is expected to add other variables such as dividend payout ratio, inflation, economic growth, financial distress, net profit margin, earnings per share, dividend policy, capital structure, debt to equity ratio, return on assets.
Keywords:stock price, company's internal factors, company's external factorsFull Text:
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