Susanti Nurfadhila, Najmudin Najmudin, Lantip Rujito


Information system technology has encouraged and influenced the health services needed in order to meet the demands of the community for the accuracy and speed of services provided by hospitals. But the application of information technology is not always successful. One of the determinants of the success of the application of information technology is the attitude of users of technology that reflects the extent to which interest in using information systems. This can be known by applying one of the evaluation models, namely the UTAUT model, which is a combination of eight models of technology user acceptance that have been developed previously. The four UTAUT constructs are used as determinants that influence the user's intention and use behavior. This study aims to determine the effect of performance expectations, effort expectations, social influences and facilitation conditions on behavioral intentions of users. Data were obtained through 30 questionnaires distributed to hospital information system users at Unsoed Dental Education Hospital in Purwokerto with sampling techniques using simple random sampling.



Keywords: UTAUT, Hospital Information System, Behavior Intention, Use Behavior

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