I Wayan Edi Arsawan, Ni Made Kariati, Putu Adriyani Prayustika, I Wayan Wirga


A long debate about the role of knowledge sharing in changing employee perspectives and behavior has become an important issue to improve innovation, employee performance, organization, and competitive advantage. Recently, some researchers concluded that knowledge sharing starts from a personal perspective in the form of personal commitment but other researchers consider that knowledge sharing comes from the causality of leaders. This study aims to fill the research gap that knowledge sharing cannot be concluded from one perspective but also involves leadership roles to improve innovative work behavior through direct and indirect relationships between research variables and explain the role of knowledge sharing in the SMEs sector that is considered unprepared. This study uses a structural equation model with a quantitative design based on positivism framework to explain the relationship between variables. The research respondents were 177 employees at three managerial levels using the simple random sampling method with non-replacement and analyzed using Smart-PLS 3.0 software. The result of the direct relationship is transformational leadership has a significant effect on commitment, knowledge sharing, and innovative work behavior, while commitment does not significantly influence knowledge sharing. The findings of theoretical research are the synergy of the leadership and individual roles of employees in elaborating the processes that occur in building knowledge sharing, and the variable employee commitment acts as a mediating variable on leadership relations and innovative work behavior. Practically, the results of the study show that managers play a strategic role in developing knowledge sharing that impacts on work innovation and builds a competitive advantage at the individual level. Research limitations are discussed in the paper.


Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Employee Commitment, Knowledge Sharing, Innovative Work Behaviour, Competitive Advantage

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