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Patient Safety Culture and Its Determining Factors (a Qualitative Study at Islamic Hospital of Banjarnegara (RSI Banjarnegara) | |
Parlupi Parlupi, Agus Suroso, Eman Sutrisna | 1-9 |
Analysis of Financial Aspect and Operational Aspect in the Estabilishment of the Rural Bank Branch Office Cilacap County in Pandemic Covid-19 | |
Pamungkas Napril Isro Nugroho | 17-24 |
Strategic Study: The Role of Condition-Based Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance of Electrical Reliability | |
Trianto Satria, Adi Indrayanto, Najmudin Najmudin | 25-30 |
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and SMEs Performance | |
Hikmaturrizqi Amalia Amalia, Grace Tianna Solovida | 31-45 |
The Impact Of Mobile Money On Financial Performance Of Msmes In Indonesia | |
Dimas Audi Priyadi | 46-50 |
The Influence of Social Media on Sales Performance | |
Muinah Fadhilah | 592-601 |
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Innovation Performance with Self-efficacy as a Mediator | |
Tri Oktiani Indrawiani, Adi Indrayanto | 230-237 |
The Influence Mechanism of Corporate Image: in Examining of Consumer Satisfaction SMSEs Indonesia | |
Vigory Gloriman Manalu, Wenti Ayu Sunarjo, Eman Sulaiman | 602-614 |
Improving The Digitalpreneur Potential Of Educational Students | |
Dyah Perwita | 615-618 |
The Role of Financial Self Efficacy in Moderating Relationships Financial Literacy and Financial Management Behavior | |
Ari Fathul Bari, Ary Yunanto, Intan Shaferi | 51-60 |
Urgency Working Model And Culture With An Online Based Financial Management System As An Efforts Of Performance Assessment At Bppkad Cilacap District | |
Agus Sutriyono, Dwita Darmawati, Rio Dhani Laksana | 238-247 |
The Factors Influencing Purchasing Decisions | |
Hendra Atmaja, Sri Murni, Nur Choirul Afif | 619-627 |
The Influence Of Transformational Leadership Style On Employee Public Services Motivation (Study In Cilacap Regency Central Java Province Indonesia) | |
Purwanto Kurniawan, Achmad Sudjadi, Lusi Suwandari, Ganjar Ndaru Ikhtiagung | 248-257 |
Pandemic And Digital Era: Income Tax Of Smes 10 Th ISCA 2020 | |
Lina Rifda Naufalin, Aldila Dinanti | 61-70 |
MSMEs Survival Strategy Among Pandemic Covid-19 (Study On The Leksana Batik Jaya Kutawaru Cilacap District) | |
Sisimahwati Sisimahwati, Adi Indrayanto, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti | 628-638 |
Employee Satisfaction As A Mediating Variables On The Influence Of Organizational Culture On The Financial Performance Of The Company | |
Kikis Kirwono, Ary Yunanto | 71-80 |
The Influence of Job Insecurity, Authoritarian Organizational Culture And External Job Opportunities on Employee Turnover | |
Endah Cahyani Wulandari, Adi Indrayanto, Ade Irma Anggraeni | 258-267 |
The Role of Social Capital on Social Commerce: An Empirical Study of Facebook Users | |
Junaidi Junaidi, Wen Hai Chih | 639-648 |
The Effect Of Financial Ratios On Profitability (Comparative Study of PT Telkom and PT Indosat Companies in the 2014-2018 Period) | |
Wulan Hasnada Imani, Ade Banani, Ary Yunanto | 81-91 |
Health Service Development Strategy Based on Service Delivery System (Case Study at Puskesmas Cilongok I, Banyumas Regency) | |
Reiza Primayana | 10-16 |
Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Modern Cooking Technology | |
Ainur Yanni, Rahab Abrar, Weni Noviandari | 649-658 |
Implementation of the Innovation Strategy of Food SMEs to Increase Product Sales During The Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Rani Nurnawati, Refius Pradipta Setyanto, Nur Choirul Afif | 659-667 |
Management Of Accreditation Archive Governance In Faculty Of Economics And Business At Jenderal Soedirman University 10 Th Isca 2020 | |
Adi Indrayanto, Lina Rifda Naufalin, Aldila Krisnaresanti | 268-273 |
The Effect Of Right Issue Announcement On Share Return And Share Liquidity Levels In Companies Registered In Indonesia Stock Exchange, 2014-2018 | |
Adithya Nur Susanto, Ade Banani, Rio Dhani Laksana | 92-101 |
Examining Saving Cultural Model on BPR Customer: Theory of Planned Behavior Approach | |
Mugiarti Mugiarti, Wiwiwek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Rahab Rahab | 668-677 |
Improving Job Satisfaction On Namadic Government Employee By Exploiting Work From Home | |
Nur Abadhi, Achmad Sujadi, Refius Pradipta Setyanto | 274-282 |
The Benefit of SME Online Promotion Strategy for Renew Product in New Era | |
Alias Tri Nawarini, Intan Shaferi | 678-683 |
Review Article: Social Marketing & Social Entrepreneurship-is there a match? | |
Adnane Derbani, Refius Pradipta Setyanto | 579-591 |
The Effect Of Underwriter Reputation, Profitability And Leverage On Underpricing Shares At Initial Public Offering | |
An Nisa Diah Isnaeni, Najmudin Najmudin, Intan Shaferi | 102-111 |
Brand Experience towards Brand Loyalty with Brand Trust as Mediation variable | |
Muhammad Zidni Farkhan, Rahab Rahab, Lusi Suwandari | 684-693 |
Social Media Marketing Causality Testing of Higher Education Image and Interest in Registering | |
Silvia Van Marsally | 694-702 |
Risk Analysis Of Banking Companies Listed On Indonesia Stock Exchange During Covid-19 2020 | |
Septiana Mar’atus Sholikhah, Sudarto Sudarto, Intan Shaferi | 112-121 |
How To Respond The Pharmaceutical Company Market During The Covid-19 Pandemic (Study On Pt. Fulky Hasya) | |
Atabik Yusuf, Refius Pradipta, Nur Choirul Afif | 703-708 |
Financial Literacy and Retirement Preparation | |
Widya Ayu Lestari, Ade Banani, Rio Dhani Laksana | 122-128 |
The Effect Of Service Quality Performance On Patient Experience In Radiological Installations Of Unsoed Purwokerto Oral And Dental Hospital | |
Puspaningdyah Pramudyanaswari, Lusi Suwandari, Eman Sutrisna | 709-717 |
The Effect of Management Support, Job Autonomy and Adaptability on Employee Performance | |
Syaiful Imam, Weni Novandari, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari | 283-294 |
The Effect Of Service Quality On Patient Satisfaction Of Hospital Service Quality (Case Studies: Measuring Consumer Satisfaction) | |
Rifka Annisa Puspitasari, Ratno Purnomo, Lantip Rujito | 718-727 |
Analyze Of Company Size, Institutional Ownership And Reputation On Dividend Payment Decisions In Privatized Companies | |
Septiana Endang Subekti, Ade Banani, Ary Yunanto | 129-137 |
Tourism Marketing in Banyumas | |
Vosi Karimchonzoda, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Refius Pradipta Setyanto | 728-738 |
Enhancing the Entrepreneurial Finance on SMEs during COVID-19 Crisis | |
Intan Shaferi, Muliasari Pinilih | 138-144 |
The Role of Influencer Endorsement Support in Sales Success During The COVID-19 Pandemic | |
Danang Satrio, Muhammad Milzam, Amelsa Pramesti Rima Putri, Muhammad Nadhief Ardianto | 739-746 |
Application of the Theory of Planned Of Behavior Against the Intention of MSMEs in Taking Bank Loans (Bank Jateng Purbalingga Case Study) | |
Nevy Octavia, Najmudin Najmudin, Rio Dhani Laksana | 145-152 |
Effect Of Service Quality And Perception Of Fairness Of Customer Loyalty With Customer Satisfaction As A Mediation Variables 10 Th Isca 2020 | |
Retno Kurniasih, Bagus Budi Hartanto | 747-756 |
Building The Concept Of Halal Brand Image On Islamic Banking | |
Nur Choirul Afif | 757-762 |
The Effect Of Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk And Capital Adequacy On Bank Stability | |
Andika Ardianto Saputra, Najmudin Najmudin, Intan Shaferi | 153-162 |
Revisiting Corruption Control Strategies: Review and Implications for Anti-Corruption Design Policy | |
Kiky Srirejeki, Kiky Srirejeki | 163-174 |
How To Respond The Pharmaceutical Company Market During The Covid-19 Pandemic (Study On Pt. Fulky Hasya) | |
Atabik Yusuf, Refius Pradipta, Nur Choirul Afif | 772-777 |
Rate Analysis Of Activity Based Costing (Abc) Method On Indonesian Rate Case Based Groups (Ina Cbgs) In Appendictomic And Toncilectomic Measures In Hospital | |
Muhamad Eko Mikroni, Ary Yunanto, Budi Aji | 175-186 |
The Influence Of Brand Image And Brand Trust Against Brand Loyalty During The Covid-19 Pandemic Bpr Studies. Surya Yudha Bank's Baturraden Branch | |
Wirawan Kurniaji | 763-771 |
Analysis of Financial Aspect and Operational Aspect in the Estabilishment of the Rural Bank Branch Office Cilacap County in Pandemic Covid-19 | |
Pamungkas Napril Isro Nugroho | 187-194 |
Economic Valuation of Owabong Water Park in Purbalingga Regency | |
Agus Arifin, Rakhmat Priyono | 524-529 |
Analysis Of Financial Performance In The Cooperative Of The Republic Indonesia (Kpri) Banjarnegara | |
Isnaeni Rokhayati, Dian Safirti Panca Kusumasari, Sudin Sudin | 195-204 |
Analysis Determinant Factors of Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia | |
Quaishum Syantini, Harry Pudjianto, Dijan Rahajuni | 530-538 |
Determinants of Batik Artisans’ Income | |
Elmi Zakiyah, Istiqomah Istqomah, Dijan Rahajuni | 515-523 |
Analysis Of The Business Continuity Of Recipients Of The Post-Student Entrepreneurial Program (Sep) 10th Isca 2020 | |
Sri Lestari, Laeli Budiarti, Aldila Krisnaresanti | 539-545 |
The Decision Of Coconut Sugar Producers In Taking People Business Credit At Bank Rakyat Indonesia | |
Nurul Afis Afnani, Agus Arifin, Ratna Setyawati Gunawan | 546-557 |
The Role of Transportation and Logistics Infrastructure in Increasing MSMEs in Indonesia (Study in the New Normal Era) | |
Prima Widiyanto, Nashrullah Nashrullah | 558-567 |
Economics Efficiency Of Arabica Coffee Farming In Kledung, Temanggung Regency | |
Fransiska Ema Erawati, Nunik Kadarwati, Irma Suryahani | 558-578 |
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and SMEs Performance | |
Hikmaturrizqi Amalia Syukron, Grace Tianna Solovida | 31-45 |
Economics Efficiency Of Arabica Coffee Farming In Kledung, Temanggung Regency | |
Fransiska Ema Erawati, Nunik Kadarwati, Irma Suryahani |
The Influence of Social Media on Sales Performance | |
Muinah Fadhilah |
The Influence Mechanism of Corporate Image: in Examining of Consumer Satisfaction SMSEs Indonesia | |
Vigory Gloriman Manalu, Wenti Ayu Sunarjo, Eman Sulaiman |
Improving The Digitalpreneur Potential Of Educational Students | |
Dyah Perwita |
Creative Behavior of Bawaslu Pangandaran Employees in Supervision of Elections during the Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Adi Muhammad Nur Ihsan, Achmad Sudjadi, Refius Pradipta Setyanto |
The Effect of Intrinsic Motivation on The Performance of Outsourcing Employees Using Proactive Personality Factors As Moderating Variables | |
Arliyani Arliyani, Suliyanto Suliyanto, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari |
Analysis of the Causes of Low Satisfaction Performance Appraisal, Study in PT Indonesia Power PLTU Adipala | |
Kukuh Pambudi, Ratno Purnomo, Ade Irma Anggraeni |
Employee’s Performance in Service Sector during Covid-19 Pandemic (Study towards Service Sector in Central Java Province) | |
Lisa Indah Prasetyanti, Pramono Hari Adi, Dwita Darmawati |
The Effect of Proactive Personality on Innovative Work Behavior With Creative Self Efficacy As A Mediator (Study On Smes Woven Pandanus Kebumen) | |
Agus Mustofa, Ratno Purnomo, Dwita Darmawati, Irfan Helmy |
Nurses' Perception Of Compensation And Workload Towards Intention To Leave | |
Gunawan Andri Fauzi, Pramono Hari Adi |
The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style on Motivation and Job Satisfaction of Employees of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in Central Java and DIY | |
Nanda Puteri Riyani, Dwita Darmawati |
Health Service Development Strategy Based On Service Delivery System (Case Study At Puskesmas Cilongok I, Banyumas Regency) | |
Reiza Primayana |
The influence of Social Support and Emotional Intelligent with the mediating variables of Job Satisfaction on Employee Well-Being | |
Septian Sukandar, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Ade Irma Anggraeni |
Managing Employee's Emotion And Behavior In Hospitality | |
Agus Suroso, Ade Irma Anggraeni |
Proactive Behavior Influences Career Success, In An Individual Context. | |
Susan Gari, Ratno Purnomo, Adi Indrayanto |
Layoffs and the Mental Health of Remaining Workers in Pandemic Covid 19 | |
Eka Pariyanti, Neneng Sofiyanti, Andiana Rosid |
Evaluation of the Transformational Leadership Model | |
Dian Purnomo Jati |
Factors Influencing Teachers' Intention to Implement the "Independent Learning" Policy (Case study on vocational teachers in Cirebon ) | |
Andini Agustini Putri, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Hariyadi Hariyadi |
Safety Perceptions Analisys of Adherence to the Use of Personal protective Equipment (PPE) for Professional Students at RSGM Unsoed Purwokerto | |
Vinoza Ayu Wardani, Rahab Rahab, Haris Budi Widodo |
The Effect of Ethical Climates Toward Productivity: The Role of Commitment And Trust As Mediation Variable | |
Abdulloh Azzam Azzindany, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Ade Irma Anggraeni |
The Role of Transportation and Logistics Infrastructure in Increasing MSMEs in Indonesia (Study in the New Normal Era) | |
Prima Widiyanto, Nashrullah Nashrullah |
Conflict Asymmetry: Antesedents and the Role of Shared Identity and Shared Context in Moderating Its Relationship with Group Performance and Creativity | |
Dwita Darmawati |
Multiracial (Subrace Austronesian and Melanesian) Student Perception towards Diversity in Indonesia. | |
Meutia Karunia Dewi, Rahma Fahira, Suci Indriyati |
Evaluation Of The Transformational Leadership Model | |
Dian Purnomo Jati |
MSMEs Sustainability Strategy during the Covid-19 Pandemic Through the Digital Economy Literacy Movement | |
Cut Misni Mulasiwi, Ramita Kholifaturrohmah |
Dwita Aprillia Floresti, Monica Rosiana |
OODA Loop Strategy for MSME Sustainability During COVID-19 Pandemic | |
Ramita Kholifaturrohmah, Cut Misni Mulasiwi |
The Role Of Financial Literacy And Financial Behavior Towards Personal Finance Planning In MSMEs | |
Ekaningtyas Widiastuti, Sugeng Wahyudi |
The Role of Financial Knowledge and Fintech on the Financial Behavior | |
Rofi Puspitaningtias, Ekaningtyas Widiastuti, Sulistyandari Sulistyandari |
The Influence Of Core Self-Evaluation On Academic Performance Through Learning Goal Orientation As A Mediation Variable | |
Mardhika Ardi Pambudi, Dwita Darmawati, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti |
Factors Related to the Continuance Intention Using E-Learning Based on Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) for Postgraduate Students | |
Yesi Nartanti, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari |